Sunday, December 5, 2010

The "Residence" of the "Great Spirit"!

The "Residence" of the "Great Spirit"!

Where does the "Great Spirit" reside? The "Great Spirit" resides within ourselves and out side of ourselves. The result of my processing "anxiety" issue by primal sound, and the manifestations of emotional release is to expereince the "connection" with the "Great Spirit" within and out side of my self! It's truly an uplifting and zestful experience. The term that I will use is "WoW" It's the best way for me to express it.

It's never worthwhile to hide from your pain, put the pain aside, distract yourself from the pain, or in any way shape or form be a being in denial of the pain! It's incumbent upon me to learn as I have to effectively, efficiently, with discipline to "experience" it with zest!

This concept of "experiencing" the so-called "pain" is knowing that "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" is truly within! The nuances of the rainbow lay within. I know because I Dare to Heal by feeling them again, again, and again. No, I'm not a masochist but an adventurer of emotional frontiers. Just think about becoming an explorer, an adventurer of emotional frontiers. What a concept!

Please go ahead and place a link on your wordpress, on your blog, on your website (if and when it resonates with you to do so) so others can experience or dare to experience the thoughts, the feelings, the concepts, the "emotions" that I raise with these words.

The very, very, best to you this holiday season and please purchase and check out my books, "I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love", and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power"! They truly do make for congruent gifts this holiday season for your religious instiutuions, families, friends, and acquaintnaces. Simply stated the books are treasures and reflect what I write in both blogs.

Joel V. BA. Education, BBA. Business Admin, M.A. Masters of Psychology (accredited university) Human Behavior

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