Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Relationships - Attracting "Those" Energies

Relationships - Attracting "Those" Energies

The four main categories of co-dependency issues are those individuals who are "controlling", "complying" with controlling behavior, "denial", and "low self-esteem" issues.

The result of becoming hurt or traumatized because of recurrent unhealthy behaviors from the family of origin or because of developmental, biological, genetically coded, environmental, or experiences is that we can attract certain "energies" to ourselves. Unfortunately, many of the individuals who we attact to ourselves have unaware or aware unhealthy behavioral patterns who may themselves be co-de-pen-dents.

So, by any chance, do you attact people to you who are overly, overwhelmingly "needy" or "lost", seemingly are "abandoned", are in clear mental or emotional states of "denial", in a life "transition", (just broke up with their partner), controlling, have "addictions", "rageful", "takers", bipolar, depressed, or anxious? These just may be co-de-pen-dent "energies". Are you identifying with any of the above mentioned? I definitely recommend Co-dependents Anonymous (twelve steps) to begin to address the above issues. I've been counseling clients on the above issues for many years. The issues are decieving/deceptive. If and when "it" just keeps bothering you I encourage you to take action with your will, willing (your intention) and willingness (your action) to effectively address the above issues.

Please check out my website at and purchase my books "I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love", and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power", then check out my "animated laughter with feelings" video on "Animated Laughter with Feelings" is but one form of emotional release. After I recover from my major surgery, I'll be available for counseling on co-dependent issues.
Joel V. BA, Education, BBA Marketing, M.A. Psychology Human Behavior

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