Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rising of the Phoenix

Rising of the Phoenix

The end of co-dependency means a dissipation of the past unfulfilled past frozen chronic needs, past unfulfilled chronic needs, unfulfilled past needs, and present unfulfilled needs. It's turning over, a release, a relinquishing, a letting go, and transmitting the pain of our unfullfilled needs over to our higher power. It means the access of our pain reflective of our unfulfilled needs and a turning over again, and again, again. It just "feels" like we are going to die. I'll repeat that again, it just "feels" like we are going to die. There is a death taking place of a "unhealthy"part of ourselves. Actually it's essentially the "Rising of our Phoenix".

As we release our pain reflective of our unfulfilled needs, our denial, our controlling, our complying (pleasing) behaviors begin to dissipate. Our low self-esteem begins to "magically" improve. We take that "quantum" leap forward.

The use of the manifestations of emotional release and primal sound accelerates our emergence from the painful unfulfilled past needs. Our vibration dramatically changes that we express verbally, and non-verbally (in our body language). We learn to apply ourselves to our task of healing. We gradually, gradually have a "healthy" impact on others, on our actions, in our behaviors towards others in the wide world. We experience our "rebirth", "awakening", "consciousness rising" unfolding of an authentic "self".

Is this a dream, a hope, a wish? No, we become an expression of an authentic viable human being.

Please check out my website at and please purchase my books, "I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love", and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power".


Joel V.

BA, Education, BBA, Business Admin, M.A., Psychology of Human Behavior

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