Friday, August 20, 2010

Unfulfilled Needs Continued!

Unfulfilled Needs Continued!

Please refer to my post about "unfulfilled frozen chronic needs". Well, there are three remaining unfulfilled needs that create pain for humankind. They are the unfulfilled chronic past, unfulfilled past, and present unfulfilled needs.

I break unfulfilled needs down into for distinct and very different entities. For the most part, we don't even take notice of any difference at all between the differences of unfulfilled needs. We don't even as a matter of fact think about the differiences. However, they are all very, very, different.

Most counselors, therapists, psychiatrists don't even consider the unique differences in the four categories of unfulfilled needs. I have, I've worked extensively with them and experienced all four. My research for the most part has been both non-verbal (different patterns of circular healing breathwork) and verbal in peer counseling sessions over the past 43 years.

The circular healing breathwork facilitates connection with different depths, degrees, dimensions, and facets of feelings reflective of emotions. The circular healing breathwork facilitates "access", a going-into, a connection with, a release, relinquishment, a letting go, and trasmitting the feelings reflective of the "pain" reflective of unfulfilled past and present needs out of the body by way of the manifestations of emotional release. In this way, I've been able to experience the unique differences of the four unfulfilled past and present needs.

When a senior experiences loneliness because of living alone; they may also experience a unfulfilled present need for attachment. The attachment to others is just not there. The pain of present unfulfilled need gradually accumulates and the senior becomes disconnected to parts of themselves. Sadness and depression develop and unfortuantely "suicide" is all to common among seniors. The "pain" of the present unfulfilled need reflective of the issue of loneliness causes "disconnect" to self. The senior experiences isolation. This situation may be true of anyone who experiences lonliness at any age.

I will explain unfulfilled past chronic needs and unfulfilled past needs in later posts.
Please check out my website, Please purchase my books, "I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love" and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power". I'm available for counseling on co-dependence issues or I'm certainly open to donations to keep on posting this information. Please make your checks payable to Life's Breath Publications and Ministries. My contact information is on my website.

Joel V. BA, Education, BBA, Business Admin. M.A., Psychology of Human Behavior

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