Monday, January 3, 2011

Clearing Emotion

Clearing Emotion

Are you "very" emotional. Do you react/respond in an exaggerated emotional way. Is it your temperament; an aspect of your personality? Is it unfulfilled past or present needs that fuel your emotional reactions/responses? Does the above circumstances trigger impulsive/compulsive decision making on your part. Has it caused you to make unhealthy or healthy decisions? It's certainly difficult to descern whether or not ones decisions have been impacted by emotions. Have the emotions caused confusion for you.

I have found by clearing my emotions through a variety of methods, by processing my emotions; I've been able to "get clearer" in my "thinking" and therefore have been able to make more decisive decisions.

One aspect of co-dependency behavior is the inability to make decisions; to procrastinate or not make a decision at all. When you in fact do not make a decision in essence you have made the decision not to "not make a decision".

The resolution is that we can only do the best we can and that it's helpful to clear our emotion before deciding. It's appropriate to evaluate the information we have on and in hand; seek more information and then make the decision. What's your point of view?

Please check out my books on the side panel. They're available from Barnes & Noble or from pay pay on my website. There are many go to methods in the books that help people to clear emotions and facilitate decision making.

Joel V. BA. Education, BBA. Business Admin, M.A. Masters of Human Behavior Psychology.

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