Victim, Guilt, Dumping From Others, From Yourself!
Setting External Boundaries.
Have you ever felt like a victim. Has someone dumped their nonsense on you. Have you bought into it and experienced guilt. The guilt is destructive to the self. It can result in a sense of neediness. The guilt and the neediness result in a upset of and to the self. It causes a disconnect to the self. It can result in an emotional disconnect of mind, body, and spirit. It can cause a lack of your own self-acceptance and self-esteem. Well, the solution is to set boundaries and to assert yourself with the person who is dumping on you. The boundaries must be internal as well. We say "stop" to our internalizing any judgments we have about ourselves.
Perhaps you say that it's not so easy to set boundaries with others? If you say so then guaranteed the person who was dumping "knew" that you were emotionally vulnerable. Most likely, they intuitively knew that they could dump on you. Most likely, they picked up on your vulnerability because of their own insecurity. The picked up on it because they too are frightened insecure little girls or boys as well. They have a control pattern that perpetuates their own low self-esteem onto others through their invalidation and put-downs.
I have a friend whose former significant other grow up as a spoiled brat. Everything was given to them. They didn't have to work for things. They expected to be catered to. They expected to receive. They needed to go within and address their unfulfilled need for self-discipline and structure that was never imprinted, ingrained, and embedded within themselves. We must learn to set boundaries with these individuals and we must learn to assert our voices.
Some patterns begin at birth as trauma and expand lifelong. It's tough to determine that they are birth traumas unless one has effectively addressed them on an on-going basis. However, it can become clear in time as a pattern repeats itself and one becomes aware of the carriers story.
Setting Internal Boundaries.
It's important to stay alert and aware of your unfulfilled needs. Unfulfilled needs can trigger frustrations which in term can cause internalized self-anger, upset, and lower self-esteem. When we stay alert and aware of our unfulfilled needs we can address them by asking for support, by using our flexible intelligence and finding alternatives. Knee jerk self-defeating, internalized anger can only add fuel to a beginning fire. If and when we have self-discipline we can address immediately our unfulfilled needs by setting internal boundaries. We can use methods that resonate with us that puts a stop to emotional self-defeating emotions. We can also use our flexible intelligence to find alternatives in filling our unfulfilled needs.
Please purchase my books on the side panel or access them on amazon kindle. I'm available for counseling, consultations, presentations, and group motivational seminars.
Joel V. BA. Education, BBA. Business Admin, M.A. Masters of Psychology, Human Behavior.
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