The Whole Being Weekend will be held in Idylwild from Friday, September 18th through Sunday September 20th. This is a real fun weekend with many presenters, music, practitioners and friendly, loving, people. I hope you all can attend. Just go to their website at and register. I will be doing a class from 3:00p.m. until 5:00p.m. on Saturday, September 19th. All are welcome. I will be introducing the class also in the morning at the presenters and participants gathering.
Animated Laughter With Feelings combines a presentation, bio-energetic exercises, two ten minute laughter sessions, silent/guided meditation, sacred Sanskrit music, play, sharing, and pray. It is a multifaceted activity. My books "I Dare to Heal" will be available as well. "I Dare to Heal with Laughter" reflects the class and is available through Barnes & Noble, on-line booksellers, iTunes, and E-Kindle Amazon.
Please phone or E-mail if you have questions at 619-584-8093 or See you there!