The Emotional and Spiritual Power of Anonymity
If you are familiar with the twelve step process then you are aware of both the principles and the traditions. There are many twelve step groups Co-dependency, Alcoholics, Adult, Narcotics, Sexual, Gambles, Addicts Anonymous.
Tradition 12 speaks to the significance, and the spiritual power of anonymity. When we meet in a 12 step support group we don't hand out business cards or as a principle speak about our professions.
This prevents us from looking up to personalities as authorities who will enhance our self-esteem. It's encumbent upon the individual themselves to enhance their own self-esteem and not feed off the self-esteem of others.
It also prevents us from judging others and judging ourselves. Internalization of self-invalidating judgements is defeating to self-esteem and manifests into a pattern of co-dependence.
By successfully working the twelve step process and traditions; it facilitates transcendence of internalized issues reflective of the pain. In doing so, it can result in the connection with a higher power.
Please purchase "I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love" and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power" where I write about go to methods that one can use to release, relinquish, let go of, discharge, and surrender feelings reflective of emotions so that one can connect with a higher power. The books are sold by order through Barnes and Noble or on-line at my website.
Joel V. BA. Education, BBA. Business Admin. M.A. Master's of Psychology Human Behavior.
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