Saturday, November 20, 2010

Emotionally Overcome

Emotionally Overcome

Have you ever been emotionally overcome by circumstances and situations. Have you ever been emotionally overcome by feelings because of circumstances and situations from the present or the past? Have past distressful events come to the forefront and have you ever been overcome by the feelings reflective of the emotions?

Have you allowed and permitted yourself to experience the emotions and to release, relinquish, discharge, and let go of feelings reflective of the emotions. Did the experience feel horrible. Did it feel like emotionally "things" were falling apart?
Was it a "terrifying" experience. If and when the "feelings" and "emotions" are triggered by "life" circumstances and "life" situations "falling apart", practically, or emotionally, what can be done? How do we experience faith, trust, and connection to a spiritual entity? How can we recover and get through it to become whole beings again?

Certainly prayer helps a great deal. Feeling the "terror" and releasing it again and again by way of the manifestations of emotionally release is yet another way. We can dare to heal by acquiring methods and allowing and permitting ourselves to feel the feelings. It works, I know, I do it and it works well for me. This post and others cannot help but to encourage all to acquire methods that facilitate recovery and release of feelings reflective of emotions.

Please check out my website at and purchase my books, "I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love" and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power". I'll be available for counseling others and presentations in January.

Joel V. BA. Education, BBA. Business Admin. M.A. Psychology of Human Behavior.

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