Saturday, April 30, 2011

Artificial Intelligence - A Blessing or A Nightmare?

Artificial Intelligence - A Blessing or A Nightmare?

It depends on your point of view. My point of view is that it has become more of a nightmare. I receive comments on my other and I cannot tell whether or not they are authentic or are comments that reflect artifical intelligence. If the comments are spam, the comments are artificial intelligence. However, it gets real confusing when the comments are not spam but are directed at my posts in the category of general commentories. It becomes very difficult to discern whether or not the comments come from a real human being or are artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence reflects programs that are so like real human beings that it has become virtually impossible to reply to comments? It's truly quite confusing. I seldom receive replies from those comments who I submit replies too. In fact, I have never received replies from any of the comments that I have replied too?

In summary, I've decided not to submit replies to any comments.

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Joel V. BA. Education, BBA. Business Administraion, M.A. Master's of Psychology Human Behavor.

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