Friday, April 22, 2011

The Solution or Resolution of Deeply Rooted Co-Dependency

The Solution or Resoulution of Deeply Rooted Co-Dependency.

The answer is it's a gradual process. The processing must be effective, efficient, and disciplined. The self-talk, the use of the journal to write your voluntary history usually is most certainly not enough.

If the trauma is chronic then the use of alternative methods for effective, efficient, and disciplined processing of the deeply rootled, imprinted, ingrained, hard wired distress is just not enough.

If and when one just thinks rationally about chronic traumatic emotional, physical, or distress reflective of unfulfilled chonic needs;then any rational human being cannot help but to be skeptical of the so-called accepted "norms". It's incomprehensiveable to me that anyone can honestly say that both self-talk, prayers, and the use of a journal is enough to resolve deeply rooted, hard wired, ingrained, imprinted chronic traumatic distress. If it does then I wouldn't bet on it.

I've used a myriad of accepted cultural methods and alternative methods to relieve the effects of my anxiety. Together they're working for me. It's a gradual process. I've needed both accepted culturally and alternative methods to even begin to resolve my co-dependency.

Why this is so? It's the self-deception of "denial". If and when a human being begins to effectively, efficiently, with discipline to address the deeply rooted feelings reflective of the range of emotions anger through rage, fear through terror, and sadness through grief, "denial" will be encountered by the indiviudual. It's here where persistence, peseverance, and patience plays a strategic roll. However, it's the spiritual power that one connects with during the processing of the feelings reflective of the emotions that plays the, the most important roll.

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Joel V. BA. Education, BBA. Business Admin, M.A. Master's of Psychology Human Behavior

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