The sensations of taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch allow us to experience instantaneous impulses of feelings reflective of emotions. The five sensations are the gates to our feelngs reflective of our emotions.
Feelings are very different from sensations. There are pleasant and unpleasant sensations. For example, one can experience feelings of love and a sensation of a loving touch. The sensation of a loving touch can trigger feelings of love for the person who reached out for or to the other.
The sensation from a loving, nurturing, warm touch usually is desirable. Of course, it can be undesirable if and when the nurturing touch triggers feelings reflective of the dark emotions, anger, fear, sad. These emotions can reflect issues; trust issues abandonment, betrayal, and separation.
Here is another example of the difference between sensation and feelings. The feelings of love can be communicated verbally or through touch. The "feelings" reflective of love just seem to go deeper than a sensation. An analogy is the pebble or stone thrown in the lake. The pebble or stone as it enters the lake is the sensation and the the circular waves of water are the feelings that reflect the sensation of the pebble or stone entering the lake.
One feels nurtured, embraced warmly by a hug, the eye contact and body language of the individual expressing love is "felt" by the receiver maybe in a secure, and safe way. The sensation of the hug results of waves of feelings through the body.
One can also experience feelings of fear, a range of emotion from fear through terror, and a sensation of intimidation. Here again, the intimidation can be described as the stone and the result are feelings of fear that radiate through the body.
It can work in the opposite way. A sense of intimidation can trigger feelings of fear and the range of emotion from fear through terror as well
The sensations reflectve of emotions can be essential keys to opening ourselves to serenity!
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Joel V. BA. Education, BBA Business Admin, M.A. Masters of Human Behavior, Psychology
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