Memory and Emotion
When we clear ourselves emotionally from stress,and distress our memory begins to improve! When our hurts and truamas (emotional, physical, and unfulfilled needs)begin to dissipate then our ability to remember becomes sharper and clearer. In fact, our memory becomes so clear; it can be said that our memory becomes crystal clear!
The use of "crystals" to facilitate clearing of ourselves from stress, and distress reflective of hurts and traumas can also be understand in its relationship to memory and well-being.
When we bring enough, enough oxygen into the cells of the body we also facilitate or reinvigorate our memories. The depth, the degree, and the dimension of oxygenating our cells of our body reinvigorates our ability to remember items quickly as well.
Learning to oxygenate our cells within our body reinvigorates the depth, the degree, and the dimension of our memories as well. The depth, the degree, and the dimension of our memories become clearer and have nuances of detail. The detail in detail of the memories reinvigorates our senses and positively impacts our memories. The clearing of our feelings reflective of our emotions reinvigorate the senses that impacts our remembering detail in detail of our memories.
It also triggers memories from past lives. The oxygen has the effect of facilitating time travel to past lives. The soul records each life we have lived and our infusing enough oxygen into the cells of our bodies facilitates memories from past lives. In essence, we experience time travel.
The memories of records reflective of our soul stores those memories. If and when we return to a place, a situation, a curcumstance it is then our senses become triggered, and our feelings reflective of our emotions remembers. In essence, somehow we know that we've been there before. I've personally experienced this in Barcelona, Spain, in Paris, France in Southern Sweden, in the State of Israel and in San Diego, California.
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Joel V. BA. Education, BBA, Business Admin, M.A. Master's of Psychology Human Behavior
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