Friday, September 3, 2010

Co-Dependence, Humor

Co-Dependency - Humor

I received the following joke from an E-mailed comment. I thought it reflected co-dependency. Normally, the "neediness" reflective of the "need" is so overwhelming in co-dependency that we profoundly feel the compulsive impulse to "react" and "respond" even though we are told, over, and over again that we definitely "should" not act upon "impulse". The following joke reflects and action taken by an individual when she was told over and over again NOT, NOT to respond or react by Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris needed his dryer to be repaired and he hired Jane to fix it! Mr. Harris told Jane that he had a Doberman who would be at home. Mr. Harris told Jane that the Doberman was not an issue. The Doberman's name was "Gilbert". However, Mr. Harris had a Parrot and told Jane, "Under any and all circumstances and situations Jane was NOT, NOT to say, to utter, one word to the Parrot.

Jane arrived and "Gilbert" large and ferocious looking as he was sat like a tamed, and innocent puppy dog on the mat and just observed Jane repair the dryer. However, the Parrot just wouldn't keep his mouth shut. The Parrot uttered all kinds of curse words at Jane. The Parrot just wouldn't shut up. Finally, in utter frustration and "neediness" Jane spoke up and looked at the Parrot and said, "you stupid, ugly, bird, just shut your mouth"!
At hearing the comments from Jane, the parrot looked at "Gilbert", the Doberman, and said, "go get her "Gilbert".

Please check out my website,, purchase a dozen or so books, "I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love", and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power". Give them as gifts! I'm available for counseling those of your who harbor co-dependency issues of control, compliance, denial, and low self-esteem. Please check out my other website, You can enroll for a health plan right on-line! I'll be happy to assist you in the application process. Soon MediCare Season will be upon us. I'm certified through the National Exam to offer both the "Advantage" and "Supplement" programs. I have several MediCare/MediCal programs as well!

Joel V. BA., Education, BBA Business Admin., M.A. Masters in Psychology, Human Behavior

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