Saturday, December 25, 2010



I write about the ten components of the self, mental, emotional, physical, creative, social, heart, soul, intuitive, spirit, and the spiritual. The creative component of the self is often undeveloped by most people. However, it is the spice of everyones' life. It's the creative where the imagination expands and thrives. Our flexible intelligence is essential to expanding our imagination and expanding therefore our creative faculty.

Once we trigger our creativity through emotional stimulation an energy is created that expands and amplyfies its growth. The emotional is the fluid that oils the creative expansion of the self. The emotional personal growth is the cornerstone of creative expansion. When we feel good, when we feel "alive", when we feel happy and joyful our creative faculty thrives like a sunflower opening to the sun in the sky. When our creativity flourishes, emotionally we experience a joyful high.

When you release, let go of, relinquish, and trasmit energies within yourself, a stimulation of the hormones, a stimulation of the emotional component results and your creative juices begin to flow!

Please consider the next time you are creating something in your life. It could be just giving birth to a baby. Tell me how does it feel? Please put aside the pain for a moment. Please consider the next time you are writing a story and all the parts just seem to fall into place. How does it feel? Please consider when you do your passion and creativity flourishes. It's a creative high! It's a natural creative high!

Please check out my website at and purchase my books, "I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love", and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power". I'll be available for counseling other on their co-dependent issues in two weeks. Please check out the video "Animated Laughter with Feelings" and allow and permit yourself to join the group and make all the noise you need to.


Joel V. BA, Education, BBA Business Marketing, M.A. Psychology of Human Behavior

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