Friday, December 10, 2010

Migraine - No More

Migraine - No More

Just think if humankind could finally free itself from Migraine Headaches? Migraine Headaches have tormented humankind for ages. The intense headaches, the sensitivity to lights, the lack of appetite, the sense of nausiousness, the on-going pain. When we learn to use primal sound effectively to address Migraine Headaches; we then have learned to reduce the intense pain and even to resolve the issue.

Primal Sound facilitates access to the profoundest of pain within and helps us to release, relinquish, let go of, discharge, and transmit the energy out of our bodies. The intense power of the sound facilitates healing.

Most of us are reluctant to make noise, to make intense sound because it's culturally not acceptable. Well, what is unacceptable is the agonizing pain that is experienced upon the onset and duration of a migraine headache. When we learn to make effective, efficient, sound with discipline; we learn the it's definitely acceptable even culturally acceptable. We learn to successfully process our pain and learn that it's ok for us to heal and free ourselves from migraine headaches.

PLease purchase my books to the right of this blog in the side bar. The books describe methods that facilitate access, connection with and release of pain associated with migraine headaches. I'll be happy to do a presentation in the month of January. I'm available to counsel clients on co-dependency issues.

Joel V. BA. Education, BBA. Business Admin, M.A. Masters of Human Beahavior, Psychology

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