The Unhealthy, Unholy, Marriage of Fear, Knee Jerk -Reaction Formation and Denial!
I write about the three distinct ways of being hurt and traumatized. Physical Organic (which reflects physical pain), Unfulfilled Needs ( frozen, chronic, past, and present, which reflects pain), and the definitive different intensity of feelings reflective of the range of emotions, anger through rage, fear through terror, and sadness through grief.
When a human being is overwhelmed by daily hurt or trauma (exposed to emotional abuse, for example) layer upon layer of emotionally painful onion skins accumulates. It's truly overwhelming. One cannot bare being emotionally devasted again and again and again. It's natural for a human being to shut down and experience a knee jerk reaction, form a pattern of denial! It's called simply "emotional survival".
The embracing of the fear through a variety of methods over time; it's release, relinquishment, and letting g0 results in a healthy divorce between the layers of intensity of feelings reflective of from fear through terror. The result is the resolution of the knee jerk reaction formation, as well as the denial that it ever existed. Again, it require persistent effective/efficient processing. The intensity of fear, the knee jerk reaction formation, and the denial part ways. The result is a healthy divorce! Realty returns!
Please check out my website at and purchase my books to the right of this blog. Please go ahead and place a link on your wordpress or blog as well. My books are a worthwhile purchase. I also want to thank those of you flattery aside for taking the time to comment. I just want to wish you all a healthy, happy, and abundant holiday season. I'll be glad to hold an "Animated Laughter with Feelings" class if and when there are ten participants. Please contact me at 619-584-8093. Animated Laughter with Feelings is on
Joel V.
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