On Receiving
It's significant to "Receive". If we are a giver in practical and emotional ways and do not receive in practical and emotional ways; we may experience resentment. The resentment becomes a contributing factor in the disease of co-dependence.
If and when we experience a sense of rejection in practical and emotional ways; then we can also experience a sense of betrayal, abandonment, and separation of self and within ourselves. We experience an emotional hurt or even trauma. If we have not received emotionally in our formative years; it can result in insecurity and anxiety when we are in adolescents or in adulthood.
When we practice methods that resonate with ourselves; when we have the willingness (the committment) to apply our methods successfully; we then can learn to set emotional and practical boundaries. We can learn that we are powerless over others behaviors. We can learn that others behaviors have absolutely no power over ourselves.
If we have not received emotionally in our formative years; if we have not learned to set boundaries, it very well may set up a pattern of ingrained co-dependency. In our adolescence and adulthood we may be givers, pleasers, fixers, compliers to others in the hope of receiving what we have not received emotionally when we were younger. As I have written before; we have unfulfilled past frozen chronic, unfulfilled past chronic, unfulfilled past, and present unfulfilled needs. The result is a state of "neediness". When your emotional or practical needs are not being met in the present then that becomes a trigger or triggers of anxiety and depression coming from the past. We can become known as a being who is being "sensitive" in the wide world.
The sensitivity can very well provoke more intensity to our frustrations and we can experience self-defeating behaviors. We can become easily angry and internalize our anger or externalize our anger at others.
The anxiety can result in panic attacks. The anxiety can paralyze us from functioning in a healthy way.
We can experience feelings of the range of emotion from sadness through grief. The result is depression. The result of the anxiety and the depression can be a diagnosis of bi-polar disorder.
There are many resolutions to the issue of co-dependency. We can learn methods to process the ingrained, inprinted, hard wired, genetically coded, and deeply rooted "feelings" reflective of the anxiety and depression. We can gradually free ourselves from the patterns and become free of our co-dependencies.
Our connection with a higher power can support us in our transformation, and transcendence of our pain energy. We make our connection with our higher power as we effectively, efficiently, with discipline practice and process those painful feelings reflective of emotions that lock in our co-dependent patterns that result in our unhealthy behaviors.
I write about the methods of freeing ourselves from our enmeshment with co-dependency patterns in my two books to the right in the side bar, "I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love", and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power". Please take a moment to read more about the books by clicking on "click here". The purchase of the books can be achieved from my website or Barnes and Noble Booksellers.
Joel V. BA. Education, BBA. Business Admin, M.A. Psycholgoy of Human Behavior.
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