Tai Chi Chih
Well, I'll try once again to post. I've tried several times by way of my netbook from Barcelona, Spain. I've been unsuccessful in posting. It's this done site. I'm powerless over it and I'm having a co-dependent time of not, not attaching to expectation, outcome, and result. I'll give it yet another go!
I'm in Barcelona, Spain doing the family connection and it's going great! I'm succeeding at reconnecting with family repectfully.
Tai Chi Chih is a wonderful practice that I've been doing since 1990. We gather together on Saturday mornings to practice Tai Chi Chih in the Eucalyptus Grove at Balboa Park San Diego. We've been practicing Tai Chi Chih for about fifteen years in the same location so that it has a very special spiritual quality just at that location. It's truly remarkable. In fact, I've noticed other groups who have begun a practice there but for whatever the reason they just haven't continued.
I practice the Tai Chi Chih with the connected circular breath which is extremely powerfully spiritual and empowering. The yawn with movement is powerfully grounding and anchoring for my self. I use the quick inhale and the slow exhale after connecting with tension in my body. The release, relinquishment, letting go, and transmitting the anxiety out of my body leaves me extremely relaxed.
Please check out my website, www.idaretoheal.com, purchase books, ""I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love", and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power". I'm available for counseling others on co-dependent issues here in San Diego. I'm available to speak about co-dependence for a fee and expenses. Please check out my other website as well, www.healthplansinsandiego.com and purchase either MediCare Plan, Individual Health, Small/Large Group Plans.
Joel V. BA, Education, BBA, Business Admin., M.A. Psychology of Human Behavior
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