Friday, December 3, 2010

Unfulfilled Need in Relationship

Unfulfilled Need in Relationship

Neediness often arises in relationship and co-dependence often results. If and when a partner isn't taking personal responsibility for their own unfulfilled neediness reflective of their own unfulfilled needs or if and when they are needing their partner to fill their unfulfilled needs conflict in relationship can result.

The "needy" partner can often become obsessed with getting their neediness met by requiring their partner to be available to them if and when necessary on call. The neediness behavior is unhealthy and often alienates a partner in the relationship. Their partner usually becomes estranged by the obsessed neediness of their mate and reacts/responds by becoming emotionally and physically unavailable.

The solution is for the partner who obsesses, who is needy, to take responsibility for his/her behavior and begin to "feel their internalized pain" and release, relinquish, discharge, let go of, and transmit the painful energy reflective of their neediness out of their body.

The partner can accomplish this goal by learning a variety of ways to process their painful obsessive energy. In fact, their mate can assist the needy partner to direct their energy within to address, access, connect with, the painful neediness and release it.

I speak about a variety of methods in my books to your right "I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love" and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power". Please be good enough to purchase and read about the methods in the books.

Joel V. BA. Education, BBA. Business Admin. M.A. Psychology of Human Behavior.

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