Friday, August 6, 2010

Controllers - Three -

The addressing of the co-dependent manipulations, patterns, as it reflects the category of "Control" is the chief perpetuator of the other categories of co-dependence, denial, compliance, and low self-esteem.

Ideology is yet another form/example of control. How often does ideology for example the present ideologies that exist resulting in the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City or the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

The ideology often can create the intense feelings as it reflects the emotions of anger through rage, fear through terror, and sadness through grief. Again, the destruction of the World Trade Center in September of 2001 created just such intensities of emotion within many peoples. It created the emotions within those who hold the ideology and those families victimized and victims who do not hold the ideology.

Control is deceptive and leanring the facts contradict the dark emotions and the lack of reality. Next week is the 75th celebration in the United States of the establishment of Social Security. Social Security has helped millions of American Citizens and especially children. There are those who describe themselves as libertarians who support the end of the Social Security. Those who hold the ideology to end Social Security under the umbrella of the intensity of feelings as it reflects the emotion from fear through terror claim that Social Security is going broke. This claim perpetuated by ideology and the emotional range from fear through terror is absoultely wrong. When the "facts" are known Social Security is in "fact" will not go broke. Again, the "emotion" of fear is perpetuated.

Please check out my website, and please purchase my books, "I Dare to Heal with Compassionate Love", and "I Dare to Heal with Spiritual Power". Please check out the video "animated laughter with feelings". The video is an example of only one of the manifestations of emotional release. It's an example of a method of accessing, connecting with feelings reflective of range of emotions and releasing, relinquishing, letting go and trasmitting the energies out of your body. Please have an open mind when viewing the video and if and when the method moves you, please go ahead and try it.

Joel V. BA, Eduction, BBA Business Marketing, M.A. Psychology of Human Behavior

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