Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Jealousy" and Co-dependence

"Jealousy" and Co-dependence

"Neediness" coming from unfulfilled needs is commonly the cause or in humanistic psychological terms the trigger that causes jealousy. It's not readily apparent to individuals who are triggered.
However, Jealousy can be caused by other reasons as well. Human Nature is also a common cause. Sibling rivelry is also a cause. When the jealousy goes to an "emotional" extreme. When the thoughts are on-going and "compulsive", "obsessive", cause sleepless nights, anxiety, depression. It's then the "jealousy" can be conceived of as a "co-dependent" pattern.
We may suppress the feelings. We may be in denial of the feelings and the "neediness" coming from unfulfilled needs, not enough loving attention from family of origin for example. Our lower self-esteem may not be clear, apparent. However, it's there! The result may be in our unhealthy behavior, our actions, what we say, our body language. The power of the "neediness" takes charge of us. We are not in charge of "it".

The solution is self-love. It's feeling our pain. It's releasing, relinquishing, letting go of and trasmitting our pain reflective of our neediness out, out of our body. Doing it again, again, and again. It's essential to work emotionally. Cognitive is good. However, not, not, not good enough.
As we release, relinquish, let go, transmit it out of our bodies our compulsive, obsessive jealousy thoughts dissipate. We just feel better!

Please visit my website,, purchase my books (Barnes & Noble). I'm available for couseling on co-dependent issues. My contact info is on my website. Please visit my and purchase some medical insurance. You can apply right on-line. Please check out my other insurance as well.
Joel V. BA, Education, BBA, Business Admin, M.A. Psychology of Human Behavior.

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